An Innovative Mindset: Curiosity, Creativity & CollaborationThriving at the intersection of curiosity, creativity and collaboration, and innovative mindset drives transformation and progress across industries. This way of thinking fuels the exploration of new ideas, the creation of impactful solutions, and the ability to turn challenges into opportunities, redefining what is possible.Join fellow alumni in exploring the power of an innovative mindset and gain valuable insights to inspire your professional growth and own journey of transformation.Moderator:Somiah Lattimore - Founding & Sr. Director, Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship at URPanelists:Mylon Blueford, '15 - Co-founder & CTO, TattMeBeth McHugh, '04 - Founder, Product Leader & Innovation Strategist, Tillta ConsultingKelley Powell Williamson, GB'07 - Managing Partner, Kefiweh Group | Board Director, Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC)Event Details:AWS Skills Center Arlington1550-G Crystal Dr.Arlington, VA 22202Thursday, April 178:30 – 10:30 a.m. ETCost: FreeIncludes Coffee + Light BreakfastFlow of the Event: - 8:30 - 9:15 a.m. Open Networking | Coffee + Light Breakfast - 9:15 - 10:00 a.m. Panel Discussion - 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Open Networking
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