UR Online
Your gift will ensure Spiders receive a world-class education.
Click here to give by Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.
Want to give through your Donor Advised Fund? Click here to access DAF Direct.
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Subsequent payments will be processed on the 15th, beginning next month.
Subsequent payments will be processed on the 15th, beginning this month next year.
installments of bi-weekly, starting within 1-2 pay periods following
installments of bi-weekly, starting
recurring, starting 1-2 pay periods following
recurring, starting
Amount per installment must be greater than or equal to $2, and the number of pledge installments must be between 2 and 25.
Please select your intent if you have an existing recurring gift.
In memory or in honor option is not available for recurring gifts.
What are your other affiliations in addition to faculty or staff?
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