
CANCELED - Course Design Institute (In-Person)

Wed, May 4, 2022, 9:00 AM EDT – Thu, May 5, 2022, 3:00 PM EDT
Faculty Hub - Third Floor of Boatwright Library

NOTE: This has been canceled due to low enrollment. Please consider the institute on May 24-27 instead. Thank you!

Are you planning to design a new course or redesign a previously taught course before the next academic year? Join the Faculty Hub team and other colleagues to get a jump start on course design and free up summer time for other activities. Our institute’s focus on significant learning outcomes will help you gain focus, creative energy, and useful feedback. We hope participants will leave the institute with a new or improved course design process, and with a course that they are excited to teach and that they are confident will have a significant impact on student learning.  

What is a course design institute? 

The Faculty Hub's Course Design Institute (CDI) empowers instructors to leverage two evidence-based frameworks for course design – integrated design (Fink, 2003) and backward design (Wiggins & McTighe, 1993) – as tools for designing or redesigning one of their courses.  Participants will learn about each framework, participate in workshops, engage in cross-disciplinary conversation with colleagues, and be provided with dedicate time and space to make significant progress on a syllabus and course schedule for one of their courses. We hope participants will leave the institute with a better understanding of best practices for course design, a detailed plan including revised learning objectives, assessments, and activities for one of their courses, and the tools to apply the same course design process to other courses in the future. 

Can't make this session?
We will be offering a virtual CDI Tuesday, May 24 - Friday, May 27 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. each day on Zoom. Click here to find out more information and/or register for our virtual CDI.


Andrew Bell

Technology Consultant, Pedagogy and Scholarship

Kylie Korsnack

Assistant Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub

Libby Gruner

Coordinator of Faculty Development in Teaching

Contact us


Faculty Hub - Third Floor of Boatwright Library


  • Institutes (multi-day)