
Publish and Flourish with Tara Gray (Virtual Event)

Tue, May 23, 2023, 12:00 – 2:00 PM EDT
Publish and Flourish with Tara Gray (Virtual Event)

This two-hour online interactive workshop will help you increase your productivity, write winning grants, and publish in better journals. It will also offer techniques on how to write prose that is clearer, better organized, and more compelling. This workshop is open to faculty and instructional staff from any disciplinary background.

 Many grant, book, and journal writers are educated at the School of Hard Knocks, but it’s not the only school, or even the best. Even when you can't work harder, there are important ways to work smarter. Much is known about how to become a better academic writer–and anybody can. Workshop participants who followed these steps were studied and 95% of almost 100 participants reported that their writing improved. The average participant also increased the number of grant proposals and manuscripts submitted from a rate of two per year to nearly six.* You can too. Ten elegantly simple steps will show you how.

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Step 1: Write daily for at least 15–30 minutes.

Step 2: Record your minutes spent writing.

Step 3: Write informally from the first day of your project.

Step 4: Organize your grant or manuscript based on an exemplar.



Step 5: Find or write key sentences.

Step 6: Using key sentences, make an after-the-fact outline.

Step 7: Seek informal feedback before formal review.

Step 8: Respond effectively to feedback.

Step 9: Read your grant or manuscript out loud.

Step 10: Kick it out the door, and make ’em say, “Yes!”

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