Celebrating Teaching, Finding Funding, and Finishing Strong
(If you have trouble reading this email click here to view on web.)
TOMORROW - A Celebration of Teaching Our annual Celebration of Teaching is coming up this week on Tuesday, April 4 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Please feel free to stop by for any amount of time to share ideas and gain inspiration from your colleagues. The event will take place in the Faculty Hub (3rd Floor of Boatwright Library) and is open to faculty and instructional staff. At 3:45 p.m., President Hallock and Provost Legro will provide brief welcoming remarks. Please RSVP to let us know that you're planning to join us!
Register for the Celebration of Teaching.
Find Your Funding with Pivot! Tuesday, April 4, 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. (on Zoom) In this thirty-minute session, Jeanine Larson from the FCGR will offer an introduction to the UR’s newly acquired Pivot Database, a great tool to help you find your next grant or fellowship. You’ll learn how to search for funding opportunities, save individual opportunities, share listings with colleagues and potential researchers, access curated lists for your specific research area, receive email updates and notifications about opportunities based on your saved searches, and more! You can connect to the session using the Morning Blend Zoom link. No registration required.
Faculty Hub Conversation: Last Days of Class Wednesday, April 12, 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. (in the Faculty Hub or Zoom) How do you approach the last few days of class? Join the Faculty Hub for a conversation about strategies and activities for wrapping up the semester. We’ll think together about how to structure the last few days of class so that we can capitalize on reflection, make student learning visible, and in doing so, teach our students how to provide useful feedback to us on our teaching. Join us for this opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, and gather feedback from colleagues. This conversation is open to faculty and instructional staff from any disciplinary background.
Register here for the last days of class conversation!
In Case You Missed It... |
The Faculty Accomplishments Reception |
Thanks so much to all of you who joined us at the Faculty Accomplishments Reception last month. Nearly 100 people came out to celebrate Richmond faculty members’ research and scholarly publications—which amounts to over 400 articles, books, and creative works. |
Blackboard Assessments Session |
As we approach the end of the semester, you might be thinking about how to set up your Blackboard site for efficient (and less painful!) grading. Check out this video and tip sheet on Blackboard assessments to learn more. |
Mentoring Undergraduate Research |
Gearing up for summer research with students? We invite you to take a look at our video and tip sheet on effective practices on mentoring research students. And stay tuned for programming in May and over the summer as well! |
Coming Up Later This Month |
Adjunct Conversation: Blogs and ePortfolios |
Thursday, April 20, 12:00-12:50 p.m. (on Zoom) In this month’s conversation series for adjunct professors, we’ll talk together about strategies for using blogs and ePortfolios in your teaching. We’ll be joined by our colleague Andy Morton, Instructional Technologies Librarian in Boatwright Library, who will provide us with more information about UR Blogs, including examples of how faculty around campus have used this tool in their teaching. As always, we’ll also open up the conversation to other questions and topics brought to us by the group. If you are an adjunct professor in any department or school, we invite you to join us!
This Faculty Hub Conversation series is co-facilitated by Kylie Korsnack (Faculty Hub), Carol Wittig (Library), and John Zinn (SPCS) and will take place on Thursday, April 20 from 12-12:50 p.m on Zoom.
Register here for the adjunct conversation. |
From the American Colleges of the South |
Summer Writing Accountability Group (WAG) |
Join this ACS Summer Writing Accountability Group (WAG) Program if accountability, structure, and community sound like helpful writing assistants to you. Participants will be placed into multi-institutional groups that serve as mutual accountability partners throughout the summer. They will develop a personalized writing plan, establish and celebrate specific milestones as they chart their progress, cultivate a writing practice they can live with, talk through moments of feeling stuck, and share advice on all things writing. The program will be facilitated by Nancy Chick, Director of the Endeavor Foundation Center for Faculty Development at Rollins College. Participants who complete the accountability components of the program will receive $500 stipends.
To apply to participate in an ACS WAG, please email the following to grants@acsouth.edu by April 17, 2023:
- Name, title, institution, and contact information of applicant
- Describe the writing you are hoping to complete through participation in this Writing Accountability Group Program.
- What do you currently see as the primary barriers to your writing progress?
Questions about applications, selection, or stipends? Please contact Stephanie Fabritius (sfabritius@acsouth.edu) and include “Summer WAG Program question” in the Subject Line. |